2 Easter Games For A Children's Easter Party

š£If you're planning to hold an Easter party for your kids, it's important to have a few games to keep them entertained, along with the usual Easter goodies like chocolate and sugar treats.
š°Game 1. Guess-the-eggs
This is a fun-filled number game.
1. Assemble the items needed. You will need a glass jar or basket, a handful of small or varied size chocolate eggs (dyed hard-boiled eggs can work too) or small toys by SWIRLLINE, paper pieces, a pencil, and an Easter Basket.
2. Hand out a piece of paper and a pencil to each of the participants.
3. Ask them to write down their name and their guess as to how many chocolates/toys the jar holds.
4. Declare the winner. The one who comes closest or gives the exact count wins the jar!
š°Game 2. Golden Ticket Egg Hunt
1. Buy some gold paper and some decently sized chocolate bunnies. You'll also need a bunch of plastic eggs and candies or small toys by SWIRLLINEĀ to fill them with.
2. Make at least three or four golden tickets. Or, make as many as you have bunny prizes to give away.
3. Fill the plastic eggs with candy or toys. Pour the chocolates or candies in the plastic eggs. Occasionally put a golden ticket in one of the eggs.
4. Go out and hide the many candy-filled eggs in the yard or house.
5. Have a golden ticket egg hunt. Explain to all participants that whomever finds the golden ticket, wins the chocolate bunny.
Ask the child to verify by keeping the ticket.
6. Have all players keep the eggs that they find. This way, everyone gets something for their efforts.
šOrder right now our small Easter kids prizes: ready-made solution for kids party favors, Easter eggs bags and basket stuffers or treasure box prizes for classroom, chest toys for school rewards.