5 Simple Ways to Cook With Your Toddler

Cooking with kids not only is a fun and cheap activity, but it’s also great for giving them some life-skills, boosting their confidence, and even practicing some fine-motor skills.
Even better, helping in the kitchen can entice even the fussiest of eaters to try something new and maybe add new veg or two to their limited repertoire.
To get your toddler involved in the cooking process, try these tips and ideas.
🍢1. Create a Toddler Work Station.
A dedicated workspace for your toddler can help keep him contained and away from unsafe surfaces –like stove burners. Use a safety step stool at the counter or set up kid-friendly kitchen tools at a child-sized table.
🍡2. Get Hands-On.
Forget about finding the appropriate kitchen tools for your toddler, and instead, get her involved in activities that allow her to use her hands to roll, flatten, or mix. Just make sure your toddler’s hands are clean before you start cooking.
🍢3. Smash and Mash.
Another easy task for toddlers is smashing and mashing. Let your toddler take care of mashing bananas for banana bread or banana muffins, softened (and cooled) potatoes for mashed potatoes, and avocados for guacamole.
🍡4. Prep Produce.
Toddlers love playing with water, which makes rinsing produce an easy and fun task for little ones. Put a safety stool at the sink and let your toddler clean veggies and fruits.
🍢5. Decorate Cookies.
Tried and true, you can't go wrong with decorating cookies as a special treat. To make it even easier, skip baking with your toddler, and let him get creative with already-made cookies. Use a spoon or plastic knife to spread icing, and decorate with sprinkles, chocolate chips, and other edible goodies.
❤️Have a great time!