Beach Games and Activities for Children

🏖Planning games and activities at the beach for your kids can be a real challenge. The games have to be creative and fun.
This could also be a great opportunity to incorporate skill development. Here are a few ideas for fun activities and games.
⛱1. Beach Ball Hot Potato.
This is one easy and very fun beach ball game for kids between the ages of 5-8.
How to Play:
Create two teams with an equal number of players on both.
Find some fun music. You will be controlling the whistle, music, and stopwatch.
Toss the beach ball to one team member. Blow the whistle to start and play a track.
Players toss the beach ball to their opponent while the music plays.
Stop the music.
The player holding the ball gets eliminated.
The last one standing wins.
⛱2. Skip.
This is a fun jump rope game that can be played on the beach with little to no tools.
How to Play:
Divide the kids into two teams of 3 each.
Two team members should hold the jump rope at each end.
One team member, who’ll be jumping, should stand in the middle.
The other two members can begin by wiggling the jump rope at a low level.
Every thirty seconds, the height of the rope should increase.
Once they fail to jump, the members should switch roles.
The last team standing wins.
⛱3. Treasure Hunt.
A classic game with clues and rewards, this game is a sure crowd-pleaser.
How to Play:
Hide the treasures in numerous locations.
Use the pieces of paper to write clues, and hide them in different locations. Each location can have a treasure.
Divide the kids into teams.
Give both teams a starting clue.
Supervise them as they play.
Beach games are incredibly fun and entertaining but can also be an important way to build essential skills.
Make sure you take everything you need to the beach including sunscreen and plenty of water. And our toys by @swirllinetoys for "Treasure hunt".